Our firm was hired to help the clients find a property in the Annapolis area that would accommodate a pool/spa and an area for entertaining large parties. After visiting several homes in the area, we came across this partially finished home along the banks of the Chesapeake Bay. After explaining our vision to the client, we were given carte blanche to create a space that was unlike any that we had done before. With the house sitting 40 feet above the bay, the site lent itself perfectly for a negative edge pool. The pool was elevated 24inches, creating two levels to this flat space as well as adding visual interest and seating for large parties. The same stone veneer on the house was used for the vertical elements of the pool and walls as well as matching Indiana limestone caps. Two custom water bowls framed the end of the negative edge creating the sound of falling water. Due to the close proximity of the pool/spa to the driveway and garage, a clear separation was needed. This was accomplished by installing a four foot stone wall with columns complete with (two) custom mahogany gates serving as the entrance into the space. Crape Myrtles were planted behind the wall to act as screen as well as to provide visual interest. The site lacked shade so a custom arched mahogany pergola, complete with ceiling fans was constructed over the lounge area in front of the stone fire place. Next to the diving board, a raised sun terrace for sun worshipers was put in place. Pennsylvania flagstone with Indiana limestone accents were used for the patio and terrace, thereby matching the existing porches of the house. The large expanse of hardscape was softened by the use of colorful shrubs and perennials to provide year round interest. Finishing the project, a mix of low voltage and metal halide lighting was installed. The end result was a property family and friends could enjoy all year round.